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We will guide you through the religious books recommended by Muldan Dongsan Church.

God's zeal

《God's Enthusiasm》 is a well-known sermon book by Pastor Young-sun Park.

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가나안에 거하다

《가나안에 거하다》는 20년 동안 광야를 다니며 10년 넘게 광야를 연구한 이진희 목사의 광야 시리즈 완결편 입니다.

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God I made

《The God I Made》 is a religious book by Pastor Tim Keller who diagnoses the modern society occupied by idols and rings the alarm to return to the only God.

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구원과 하나님의 계획

《구원과 하나님의 계획은》은 구원론 교리에 대한 체계적이고 알기 쉬운 설명을 담은 책입니다.

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Tolstoy Confession

《Tolstoy Confessions》 is Tolstoy's religious book that helps you find your purpose in life and take a new step in life.

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