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2016. 01. 16 Established Muldan Dongsan Church (5th floor, 53, 4gang-ro, Seo-gu World Cup)

2016. 03. 2 0 First baptism ceremony (Song Byung-jae)

2016. 10. 23 Church establishment

Year 2017


2017. 01. 22 Baptism ceremony (Lee Sang-gyu Cho, Cho-young)

2017. 03. 05 Appointed as Hannah Education Evangelist

2017. 01. 25~28 The 1st short-term mission to the Philippines 16 people

2017. 03. 19 Baptism ceremony (Jung Young-ju, Park Hyeong-geun, Han Seung-cheol, Kim Chan-woong)

2017. 12. 03. Appointment of Bae Hyo-yeol as a full-time evangelist

2018 year


2018. 05. 13 Relocated after church remodeling (Seo-gu World Cup 4-gang-ro 60 5th~6th floor)

2018. 08. 15 The 1st Whole Family Retreat

Infant Baptism (Nam Juan)

2018. 10. 23 Ordination ceremony of Pastor Hyoyeol Bae

2018. 10. 21 Baptism Ceremony (Kim Young-jae, Kim Hyo-min, Ji Jae-hwan, Lee Do-hee)

2018. 11. 25 Hannah resigned as educational evangelist

2018. 12. 02 Appointed Seong-hee Chun as educational evangelist

2018. 12. 25 Baptism of infants (Noah Kim, Jihee Ji)



2019. 01. 18~22 The 2nd short-term mission to the Philippines 25 people

2019. 03. 31 Initiation Ceremony (Kim Jung-eun, Choi Seong-gyeong)

Baptism Ceremony

2019. 12. 01 Newly established Sunday 1st Service, Newly established Garden Seed Service

2019. 12. 25 Baptism of infants (Sarang Lee)

2020 year

3차 필리핀선교 세례식 01.jpeg

2020. 01. 23~27 The 3rd short-term mission to the Philippines 22 people

2020. 02. 23 Pastor Jaecheol Lee's Sunday worship service (Word Festival)

2020. 06. 28 Initiation Ceremony (Jo Ye-chan, Cho Ye-jun), Baptism Ceremony (No Hee-jun, Han Seung-jae)



2021. 04. 25 안수집사, 권사 임직 및 취임

                       안수집사 임직(8명), 권사 임직(8명)

                       안수집사 취임(9명), 권사 취임(15명)

2021. 06. 27  세례식 (김정기)

2021. 12. 12 김진선 교육전도사 임명

2021. 12. 19 장로 임직(김충남장로,  최종석장로)



2022. 04. 03 입교식 (김유정)

2022. 05. 15 정애주사모 초청 주일예배

2022. 06. 01  제2차 전교인 수련회(곡성)

2022. 06. 26 입교식 (이시온 소근원)

2022. 10. 25 천성희목사 안수식



2023. 01. 29 / 02.05 김형익목사 초청 말씀축제

2023. 02. 12 홍애경집사 초청 말씀축제

2023. 06. 12 이재철목사 초청 목회자 세미나

2023. 07. 29 제3차 전교인 수련회(곡성) 

2023. 09. 28~10.03  제4차 필리핀 단기선교 39명

2023. 12. 31 김진선전도사 사임



2024. 01. 14 백소영교수 초청 말씀축제

2024. 01. 28 천성희목사 사임

2024. 02. 11 조희정전도사 부임

​2024. 09. 22 배효열목사 사임

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